Well I got the new alternator in over the weekend. I figured yesterday evening would be as good a time as any to give installing it a shot. All the mounting hardware match up perfect and all the spacers that came off the old one worked perfect. Everything lined up and bolted up just right. Now the tricky part was making sure I wired it all up right. I guess I got lucky (kind of, had a little help from plenty of TR online forums) because the car started right up and the Ignition light went off, thus showing that the alternator was in fact charging the battery. Victory is mine!!
Finished the alternator off, looked at the clock to realize I still had a bit of the afternoon left to kill. Decided to tackle installing the rear tube shock conversion kit that has been sitting on my workbench for about 6 months. Pretty easy install, conversion brackets mount right up to where the lever shocks where and the new tube shocks went in pretty easy. Had both sides installed in about 45mins and the car back on the ground. Gave the rear end a good shove and what do you know, it didn't bounce. Before switching out the lever shocks the car would bounce up and down about 5 times before stopping!
I plan on giving the TR a little road test this afternoon, I'll report back on the findings tomorrow. Who knows, I may even get a wild hair and actually install the glove box, license plate light, and heater control wire!
The "College Bar"
9 years ago