Not much too exciting going on with the Rover. Been working on a few projects. Bought and installed a metal Land Rover Badge for the rear of the truck. Looks really good and sets the truck apart even more. Installed a nice CB rig, patched up more water leaks and a few other minor projects. 2 Major projects, headlights and electronic ignition. I'll start with the headlights, they decided to start working only rarely maybe 2 months ago. I finally got a chance to delve into the front wiring harness to try to determine the problem. Turned out that the switch inside the horn/direction indicator switch on the steering column had gone bad. For some reason the contact where the headlight power comes into the switch assembly and where it goes back out again is bad. Luckily the previous owner had a complete extra assembly. Just took out the bad one and installed the spare and everything started working just fine. I did take the chance to clean up some of the wiring, redid a few connections and installed another relay to run the headlights. 2nd project has been to get the engine good and tuned up. I installed a Hot Spark electronic ignition kit, new plugs and plug wires this week. Going to borrow and timing light and get that all dialed in. The inside of the distributor was not near as scary as I thought it would be. It was actually a very easy install. I did have to modify the base plate slightly and ordered a spare dizzy from a supplier in England in case I ever have to go back to points. Anyway, planning on setting the timing Friday this week and then pulling the front wheels off to check the brakes. I'll also do an oil change and top up all the fluids. That is it for now, Happy Motoring!