Warning: NON-Car Related Talk to follow (for the most part)
If you didn't know, I went to Georgia Tech for college. Graduated with a degree in Aerospace Engineering (Yes, my kids will get to say Daddy is a Rocket Scientist one day). Anyway; GT hired a new football coach last week, Paul Johnson. I'm a big fan of this guy. Been arguing with the guys I sit with that we should hire this guy for over a year. Well, know we have and I guess I get to see if he can turn the corner with our program or not.
Had a good weekend seeing my Grandmother and parents in wonderful Boiling Springs, NC this weekend. As always it was great to see everyone. Ended up looking at old baby pictures most of the morning on Sunday. It is surprising how much better it is to look at old actual pictures then to sit in front of the computer and look through pictures. Realized that I need to talk my dad into picking up a 1972 Volvo P1800ES off ebay (Dad, if you buy it I'll do my darnedest to restore it for you!).
I am in Chattanooga this week on bidness (as Dave Thomas would say) again. Going to try to make a quick trip through some twisties on the way home tomorrow.
In music news: Waiting on getting my Radiohead collectors edition of "In Rainbows" this week. By far my favorite record in the past 5 years. Can't wait for my first listen of the unreleased material on the phonograph later this week.
Should have the rest of the items in to build my wall mounted draft beer system later this week. Just have to decide on what kegs to buy first. At the moment I am leaning towards a Pony Keg of Amstel Light and a 1/6 Barrel of Breckenridge Avalanche Amber Ale. I'll post pictures when I get it all installed.
On the car front. Still trying to sell the TR4a. Drove it to work today and realized what a great car it is. So smooth once the engine gets warmed up. Got to thinking of what I would like to do if I keep it....New paint job and then build a megasquirt fuel injection system for it. Guess I'll have to wait and see if anyone buys it.
That is it for know......
The "College Bar"
9 years ago
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